Beacon Designer - PCR引物和探针设计软件
Beacon Designer是一个qPCR工具,用于为SYBR Green、TaqMan、HRMA、LNA spiked TaqMan、MethyLight TaqMan、molecular beacons、Scorpions和FRET分析设计高效和特异性寡核苷酸。
通过自动解释BLAST结果和避免模板结构,设计成功的SYBR® Green、TaqMan® 、HRMA Primes、MethyLight TaqMan®、LNATM spiked TaqMan®、用于标准和NASBA®分析、Scorpions®和FRET分析的分子信标。
Beacon DesignerTM自动设计实时引物和探针。分子生物学家都使用它来设计成功的实时PCR分析。它节省了失败实验所涉及的时间和金钱。Beacon Designer®是一种灵活的解决方案,可满足您的实时引物和探针设计需求,并且可以多次收回成本。
特定且高效的设计:Beacon DesignerTM如何实现?
SYBR® Green检测设计
SYBR® Green可能是常用的实时PCR试剂。Beacon DesignerTM设计SYBR® Green PCR引物并帮助您评估预先设计的SYBR® Green PCR引物组。您可以控制设计参数,也可以使用经过大量研究和与专家沟通后选择的默认值。您甚至可以为您的特定研究需求选择自己的默认设计参数。
除了将引物定位在感兴趣基因的任意位置之外,Beacon Designer还可以设计primers across exon-exon or exon-intron junctions的引物。这些across exon intron junctions设计的引物有助于从gDNA中选择性扩增cDNA。
Beacon DesignerTM为突变检测提供解决方案。高分辨率熔解分析 (HRMA) 是一种比基于探针的基因分型分析更具成本效益的方法。该程序采用专有算法,可以设计用于检测突变的理想引物。
Dual Labeled Probe设计
Beacon DesignerTM目前支持四种基于探针的化学物质:
TaqMan® Probes
使用Beacon DesignerTM获得理想TaqMan® probes,帮助您使用TaqMan® SNP基因分型分析研究差异基因表达或研究SNP(单核苷酸多态性)。您还可以选择设计Locked Nucleic Acid (LNATM) 替代TaqMan® probes,它比标准TaqMan® probes更稳定。为了研究DNA甲基化,Beacon DesignerTM帮助设计用于MethyLight检测的引物和TaqMan® probes。MethyLight是一种用于区分甲基化和非甲基化DNA的高通量检测方法。使用Beacon DesignerTM,您可以通过为甲基化和非甲基化链以及未处理的DNA序列设计寡核苷酸来设计合适的对照引物和探针。使用这些化学试剂中的任意一种,您都可以评估预先设计/已发布的引物或TaqMan® probes。设计结果按排名顺序报告,为您提供可供选择的备选方案列表。根据寡核苷酸的性质,指定等级。
Molecular Beacons
Beacon DesignerTM支持Scorpions®引物和探针的设计。Scorpions®分析很关键,因为它们独立于探针的酶切割。引物和探针元件在反应过程中物理耦合。
FRET Probes
Beacon DesignerTM支持预先设计的FRET probes的设计和评估。可以在Beacon DesignerTM中设计与预先设计的SYBR® Green引物兼容的FRET probes。
使用Beacon DesignerTM,您可以设计基于TaqMan®的多重实时PCR分析,用于多达五个序列,包括参考基因选择。
Beacon Designer特征:
SYBR® Green Primer Design
为SYBR® Green PCR分析设计优化的引物。
Beacon DesignerTM通过BLAST搜索序列设计高度特异性的SYBR® Green引物,自动解释结果,然后通过避免显著同源区域设计SYBR® Green引物。
设计的SYBR® Green引物可针对NCBI提供的基因组数据库进行BLAST搜索。这有助于验证SYBR® Green引物设计并可视化引物和扩增子的特异性。
Beacon DesignerTM识别模板结构,然后在设计SYBR® Green引物时自动避开它们。
评估预先设计的引物并为给定的有义或反义引物设计兼容的引物。然后,它继续设计理想的双标记探针,以与经过充分验证的 SYBR® Green引物一起使用。
对于SNP基因分型研究,设计SYBR® Green引物,使SNP位点位于或靠近3'末端位置。
使用nearest neighbor热力学算法计算SYBR® Green Primer Tm。以排序的顺序呈现设计结果。
筛选SYBR® Green primers的热力学特性和二级结构。
TaqMan® Probe设计
设计不含二聚体、重复和运行的理想TaqMan® probes,以确保信号保真度。
设计用于SNP基因分型分析的SNP鉴定的野生和突变TaqMan® probes可以评估预先设计的引物组并设计兼容的TaqMan® probes。
同样,可以评估预先设计的TaqMan® probes并设计兼容的引物。您甚至可以导入在SYBR® Green引物设计模式中设计的引物并设计兼容的探针。
显示TaqMan® probes二级结构的图形视图。
Beacon DesignerTM可以设计LNATM probes。LNATM取代的TaqMan® probes是较短的probes,并具有赋予更高稳定性的LNATM碱基。您可以指定您想要probes中包含的LNATM碱基数量。您还可以在probes的每一端指定它们的位置和LNA自由区域,以设计LNATM spiked TaqMan® probes。
Beacon DesignerTM使用专有算法为单管多重检测设计理想引物probe sets。
HRMA Primer设计
Beacon DesignerTM检查设计引物的Tm、GC%和其他参数。只报告满足高分辨率熔解分析全部参数的引物。
Beacon DesignerTM显示野生和突变扩增子的序列特性以及它们的解链温度。
MethyLight TaqMan®设计
Beacon DesignerTM根据Gardiner-Garden和Frommer指南预测CpG islands。您还可以在序列中手动指定CpG区域。CpG islands在序列视图选项卡中以绿色显示,富含GC的区域以红色显示。
Beacon DesignerTM为指定的CpG islands设计TaqMan® probes和甲基敏感PCR引物。您还可以为未甲基化和未处理的DNA序列设计合适的对照引物和探针,用于MethyLight检测。
Beacon DesignerTM设计的引物和TaqMan® probes具有高度特异性,因为它们的设计避免了通过自动解释BLAST搜索结果识别的显著交叉同源区域。可以根据同一性或e值或两者过滤要避免的同源区域,e值的默认值为0,同一性的默认值为100。
MethyLight分析包括亚硫酸氢钠处理基因组DNA,然后进行碱处理。当提供基因序列时,Beacon DesignerTM会显示相应的亚硫酸氢盐处理链。
Molecular Beacon设计
可以评估预先设计的引物组或构建用于预先设计的分子探针的引物。类似地,可以评估预先设计的信标或可以为预先设计的引物组设计信标。这有助于使用SYBR® Green引物进行信标检测。
Beacon DesignerTM可以为NASBA®分析设计分子信标,用于单模板、多重或SNP基因分型分析。
Beacon DesignerTM评估用于NASBA®检测的预先设计的引物和探针。在评估引物时,Beacon DesignerTM会在必要时自动将purine tag添加到P1引物序列中。
FRET Probe设计
Optimal FRET Probe:设计不含二聚体、重复和运行的Optimal FRET Probe,以确保信号保真度。
等位基因鉴定:设计用于检测野生和突变等位基因的FRET probes。
评估预先设计的FRET检测:可以评估预先设计的引物组或构建预先设计的探针的引物。您甚至可以导入在SYBR® Green引物设计模式中设计的引物。
图形视图:以图形方式显示设计的FRET probes及其属性。
Beacon DesignerTM支持Scorpions®化学,用于实时检测目标序列。
Beacon DesignerTM设计的Scorpions®引物不含二聚体、运行、重复,并具有用户指定的熔解温度范围。
Beacon DesignerTM会自动选择合适长度的杆以获得optimal Scorpions® Tm。
Beacon DesignerTM以图形方式显示Scorpions®的替代结构及其属性。
使用Beacon DesignerTM,您还可以评估预先设计的Scorpions®检测。
Beacon DesignerTM解释BLAST搜索结果并避开与数据库序列具有显着同源性的区域。
对于处理机密数据或没有快速互联网连接的研究人员,Beacon DesignerTM可以解释来自本地数据库的BLAST结果。
您可以使用NCBI的WWW Standalone BLAST工具在装有Unix/Mac OS X的服务器上安装本地自定义数据库。
您还可以在自己的机器上设置本地序列/基因组数据库。此选项显示为“Desktop BLAST”。Desktop BLAST易于配置和使用。
为了避免模板可能自行折叠的全部此类区域,Beacon DesignerTM会进行模板结构搜索。
Beacon DesignerTM根据其设计的全部引物和探针与为引物和探针搜索指定的目标值的匹配程度来评估它们。
您可以为每个参数指定一个容差范围。Beacon DesignerTM不报告超出此标准的寡核苷酸。
当Beacon DesignerTM找到全部参数都符合指定值的寡核苷酸时,它的评分为100。如果全部参数都在其公差范围内,则寡核苷酸等级为0。
对于Windows | 需要 | 推荐 |
CPU | Pentium IV 1.80 GHz | Intel Core i3 (3rd Gen) |
RAM | 1GB可用RAM | 2GB或更高的可用RAM |
硬盘空间 | 500MB可用硬盘 | 1GB可用硬盘 |
屏幕分辨率 | 800×600 | 1024×768 |
Windows支持的平台:XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10
Design Specific and Efficient Oligos for All Major qPCR Assays
Design successful SYBR Green, TaqMan, HRMA Primers, MethyLight TaqMan, LNA spiked TaqMan, molecular beacons for both standard and NASBA assays, Scorpions and FRET assays by automatically interpreting BLAST results and avoiding template structures.
Automate Your Real Time PCR Primer and Probe Design
Beacon Designer automates the design of real time primers and probes. It is used by molecular biologists worldwide to design successful real time PCR assays. It saves the time and the money involved in failed experiments. Beacon Designer is a flexible solution to your real time primer and probe design needs and pays for itself many times over.
Specific and Efficient Design: How Beacon Designer? Makes it Possible?
You can BLAST search sequences and search for template structures from within the program. The results of both these searches are used while designing primers and probes. The regions that exhibit significant cross homologies and template structures are avoided automatically during the design.
Design Options Available
SYBR Green Assay Design
SYBR Green is perhaps the most commonly used real time PCR chemistry. Beacon Designer designs SYBR Green PCR primers and helps you evaluate pre-designed SYBR Green PCR primer sets. You have complete control over the design parameters or you can use the default values, chosen after considerable research and communication with experts. You can even choose your own default design parameters for your specific research needs.
In addition to locating the primer anywhere on the gene of interest, Beacon Designer can design primers across exon-exon or exon-intron junctions. These primers designed across exon intron junctions help selective amplification of cDNA from gDNA.
HRMA Assay Design
Beacon Designer offers a comprehensive solution for mutation detection. High Resolution Melting Analysis (HRMA) is a more cost-effective method than probe-based genotyping analysis. The program employs proprietary algorithms that enables designing the best primers for detecting mutations.
High Resolution Melting Analysis primers are designed flanking a mutation of interest to generate the shortest possible amplicons with detectable melting temperature variation. The primers are designed avoiding template secondary structures, assuring efficient primer extension. The HRMA primers designed can be BLAST searched against nucleotide databases at NCBI to check their specificity. Pre-designed or published primers can also be analyzed.
Dual Labeled Probe Design
Beacon Designer currently supports four probe based chemistries:
TaqMan Probes
Use Beacon Designer for optimal TaqMan probes that help you study the differential gene expression or study SNP (single nucleotide polymorphisms) using TaqMan SNP genotyping assays. You can also choose to design the increasingly popular Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA) substituted TaqMan probes, which are more stable than standard TaqMan probes. To study DNA methylation, Beacon Designer helps design primers and TaqMan probes for MethyLight assays. MethyLight is a high throughput assay used to discriminate between methylated and unmethylated DNA. Using Beacon Designer, you can design suitable control primers and probes by designing oligos for the methylated and the unmethylated strands, and for the untreated DNA sequence. With any of these chemistries, you could evaluate a pre-designed/published primers or TaqMan probes. The design results are reported in a ranked order, giving you a list of alternates to choose from. Depending on the oligo properties, a rating is assigned. Please read the Rating section in the online help for details.
Molecular Beacons
Design or evaluate standard molecular beacons or molecular beacons for NASBA assays. NASBA is a primer-dependent technology that can be used for the continuous amplification of nucleic acids in a single mixture at one temperature. You can now design molecular beacons for NASBA assays for single template or multiplex reactions.
Beacon Designer supports the design of Scorpions primers and probes. Scorpions assays are important in that they are independent of the enzymatic cleavage of the probe. The primer and probe element are physically coupled during the reaction. Read more about the Scorpions technology.
FRET Probes
Beacon Designer supports design and evaluation of pre-designed FRET probes. FRET probes that are compatible with pre-designed SYBR Green primers can be designed in Beacon Designer.
Multiplex Real Time PCR Assays
With Beacon Designer you can design TaqMan based multiplex real time PCR assays for upto five sequences including reference gene selection.
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