GlycanExplorer - 糖类分析软件
GlycanExplorer可容纳来自各种治疗性糖蛋白的内置HRAM糖谱库,这些糖蛋白用荧光团标记,例如2-氨基苯甲酰胺(2-AB)、Rapi Fluor-MS、普鲁卡因胺(ProcA)等。
该软件包含各种单克隆抗体(mAb)变体(Cetuximab, Ipilimumab, Infliximab, Pertuzumab, Golimumab, Nivolumab, and NIST mAb)和其他糖蛋白(例如Apotransferrin, Orosomucoid, Ovalbumin, RNaseB等)的光谱库。
1. 在单个文本文件(示例KCF文件、示例序列文件)中收集构成聚糖结构的KCF(Kegg化学功能)内容/序列。
2. 指定数据库名称、描述并使用KCF/Sequence文件导入聚糖结构。
3. 指定仪器详细信息、聚糖特定实验详细信息(电离技术、碎片化技术、还原末端荧光团等)和样品入口详细信息(直接注入或分离)。
4. 导入多糖异性MS1和MS/MS谱图,指定离子种类信息,并通过与多糖特异性in-silico碎片匹配来注释光谱片段。
5. 一旦成功注释,光谱将被保存并进一步用作报告候选聚糖结构的参考光谱。
1. 一种强的峰检测算法,具有可编辑的参数,例如m/z容差、降噪、峰宽、包括提交质量列表的工具。
2. 自动平滑和色谱解卷积。
3. 同位素包膜的识别。
4. 准确分配MS/MS光谱的前体m/z和电荷态。
5. 查看和导出不同的色谱图(总离子色谱图、提取离子色谱图、基峰色谱图)。
6. 灵活的MS/MS簇算法。
7. 使用用户指定的m/z和保留时间公差进行高效峰对齐。
1. 适应MS1和基于MS/MS的聚糖鉴定的工作流程,用于直接输注、LC、MALDI-MS/MS工作流程生成的数据。
2. 支持全部主要的还原端荧光团,如2-氨基苯甲酰胺(2-AB)、2-氨基苯甲酸(2-AA)、GlycanWorks RapiFluor-MS、普鲁卡因胺(ProcA)等。
3. 一次性分析多种离子组合的数据。
4. 为高可信度聚糖鉴定设置阈值分数的工具。
5. 多个过滤器以减少误报。
1. 多个参数微调优化的搜索结果。
2. 交互式图表和绘图以查看参数。
3. 将优化后的参数集保存为新方法以备将来使用。
1. 带有明确定义的同位素体和聚糖结构的注释MS1谱图。
2. MS/MS谱图用特定结构的特征离子和聚糖结构进行注释。
3. 镜像图显示MS/MS光谱数据库搜索的效率。
4. 丰富的数据和显示参数生成您选择的色谱图或质谱图。
5. 显示详细的聚糖信息和相应的实验和色谱细节。
1. 丰富的分层数据组织,可依次展开查看全部样本和重复信息。
2. 频率表和离子丰度表提供样品中聚糖的定量汇总。
3. 交互式条形图和饼图有助于可视化样品的聚糖谱。
使用MS1 Spectra对N-聚糖进行高通量分析
数据库搜索完成后,软件会自动生成一个质谱,对已识别的LC化合物的每个同位素体进行注释。还可以生成包含已识别聚糖结构的便携式Microsoft Excel报告。
1. 高效的LC-MS峰检测和选择。
2. 详细的数据库搜索参数和过滤器。
3. 一次执行多个加合物组合的数据库搜索。
4. 显示带有注释的LC-化合物同位素体的MS1谱图。
5. 便携式Microsoft Excel报告生成。
使用MS/MS Spectra对N-聚糖进行高通量分析
GlycanExplorer可以使用MS/MS数据有效识别糖链,用于直接输注、LC-、MALDI-MS/MS工作流程生成的天然(游离还原端)和衍生糖链样品。支持的衍生方法是全甲基化和荧光团标记的还原末端修饰,例如2-氨基苯甲酰胺 (2-AB)、2-氨基苯甲酸 (2-AA)、GlycoWorks Rapi Fluor-MS、普鲁卡因酰胺 (ProcA) 等。该软件接受实验数据并生成候选峰列表(用于LC-MS和 MS/MS数据),进一步进行MS/MS数据库搜索以报告候选聚糖结构。可以导出搜索结果以及Microsoft Excel文件中的聚糖结构,以便于共享。
in-silico Fragment Matching:在这种搜索方法中,软件通过将实验产物离子与指定目标数据库中可用的聚糖特异性in-silico片段进行匹配来报告候选聚糖结构。
谱图匹配:借助内置或自定义创建的高分辨率准确质量 (HRAM) 糖链谱库,该软件允许您通过比较实验MS/MS谱图与参考谱图来识别可能的糖链在目标数据库中可用。
in-silico Fragment和Spectral Pattern匹配的组合:GlycanExplorer引入了一种特有的聚糖结构报告机制,结合了in-silico和光谱模式匹配搜索方法的可信度。工作流程识别候选聚糖,先通过将实验MS/MS片段与聚糖特异性in-silico片段匹配,然后将这些实验光谱(报告具有高于指定阈值的in-silico方法的聚糖结构)与HRAM参考光谱库。
1. 导入Thermo Scientific原生 .raw 文件格式并分配样本和重复。
2. 高效的LC-MS峰检测和选择。
3. 用于指定详细数据库搜索参数和过滤器的专用窗口。
4. 可以一次性使用多个加合物组合进行数据库搜索。
5. 显示带注释的MS/MS谱图以及糖链结构。
6. 便携式Microsoft Excel报告生成。
对于Windows | 需要 | 推荐 |
CPU | Intel Core i5 | i5 / i7 |
系统类型 | 64位 | 64位 |
内存 | 16GB或更高 | 32GB |
硬盘空间 | 1TB | 1TB或更高 |
Windows 支持的平台:Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10/Windows 11
GlycanExplorer is a one-stop software solution for bio-therapeutic glycan characterization and quantification. With pre-loaded high-resolution accurate glycan spectral databases, the software allows you to identify probable glycan structures with unparalleled confidence. Extensive and comprehensive data organization along with interactive charts and plots facilitates achieving detailed profiling of glycan samples, which further helps in drawing meaningful biological conclusions.
GlycanExplorer Features
High-Resolution Accurate-Mass (HRAM) Glycan Spectral Library
GlycanExplorer accommodates built-in HRAM glycan spectral libraries from various therapeutic glycproteins labeled with fluorophores such as 2-aminobenzamide (2-AB), RapiFluor-MS, Procainamide (ProcA) etc.
The software accommodates spectral libraries of various monoclonal antibody (mAb) variants (Cetuximab, Ipilimumab, Infliximab, Pertuzumab, Golimumab, Nivolumab, and NIST mAb) and other glycoproteins such as Apotransferrin, Orosomucoid, Ovalbumin, RNaseB etc.
Efficient LC-MS Peak Picking and Alignment
GlycanExplorer has a robust and efficient LC-MS and LC-MS/MS data processing algorithm for detecting LC peaks, and subsequent molecular feature finding from the raw data. The algorithm accurately detects LC-compounds along with their isotope envelopes. The algorithm helps in accurate assignment of precursor m/z values and the charge states for the MS/MS scans. It also enables you to submit a preferred mass list for peak detection and picking. This functionality significantly reduces the likelihood of LC-peaks not being detected for low abundant compounds in complex biological samples.
If you have multiple technical replicates of your biological sample(s) of interest, GlycanExplorer allows you to align the detected peaks of a sample across all corresponding technical replicates within a specified m/z and retention time tolerance. This functionality helps you find valid peaks which are universally detected across all replicates and discard inconsistent peaks.
Confident High-Throughput Glycan Identification
GlycanExplorer accommodates multiple glycan analysis workflows to help you identify the glycan structures with unparalleled confidence.
Using the exact mass of a compound from the experimental MS1 data, the ion species, and other experimental information, the software can predict the candidate glycan structures with confidence.
The software can also predict the candidate glycan structures accurately by matching the experimental product ions (from MS/MS scans) with glycan specific in-silico fragments available within its database(s).
With the help of built-in or custom created High-Resolution Accurate-Mass (HRAM) glycan spectral libraries, the software allows you to identify probable glycans by comparing the experimental MS/MS spectral pattern with that of the reference spectra.
The software brings in a unique mechanism of reporting glycan structures that combines the confidence of both in-silico and spectral pattern matching search methods. This workflow identifies the candidate glycans, first by matching the experimental MS/MS fragments with the glycan specific in-silico fragments, then by aligning those experimental spectra against the HRAM reference spectral libraries.
Real-time optimization
Real-time optimization is indispensable in the laboratory studies to correct errors, and achieve the expected output in a considerably lesser time. GlycanExplorer offers the functionality for you to rerun an analysis over a dataset with a set of optimized search criteria such as, retention time tolerance for isomeric grouping, glycan grouping, normalization strategies etc., without overwriting the results of the previous analysis. You can therefore analyze the results obtained under different sets of parameters to quickly draw meaningful inferences. Additionally, GlycanExplorer allows you to generate interactive charts and plots to review the output of an analysis, and to optimize the search parameters best suited for your data.
Annotated Chromatogram and Mass Spectrum
GlycanExplorer helps you see through your data by generating annotated Chromatogram and Spectrum plots. It displays all three chromatograms, Total ion Chromatogram (TIC), Base Peak Chromatogram (BPC), Extracted/Selected ion Chromatogram (XIC/SIC) annotated with glycan composition and retention time. If there are multiple technical replicates of the biological samples, the software displays overlaid chromatogram plots as well.
To visually verify the accuracy of the reported candidate glycan structures, annotated mass spectra and Mirror plot are displayed by the software.
GlycanExplorer has a dedicated Spectrum panel that displays detailed information of the identified glycans along with their experimental and chromatographic information.
Comprehensive Result Display and Glycan Mapping
GlycanExplorer accommodates a comprehensive hierarchical data organization model. It displays the aligned peak lists which can be further expanded stepwise to view the biological samples, their technical replicates, and the corresponding isotopologues. The software reports the uniquely identified glycan structures, along with their components.
For every set of search results, the software allows you to fine-tune the parameters minutely and compare the output in real time helping you to find the optimized parameter set for your sample data.
The software generates Frequency table, ion Abundance table, interactive bar charts, and pie charts that gives a complete coverage of your data.
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