CopyCount - qPCR分析软件
使用qPCR CopyCount解决绝对定量问题
DNA软件在理解PCR扩增机制方面取得了突破。新产品qPCR CopyCount允许分析全部qPCR曲线,以直接确定循环零时DNA的绝对拷贝数。DNA拷贝计数是每个生物学家都想要的数量,而qPCR CopyCount提供的结果具有相对和绝对准确性。
qPCR CopyCount作为数字PCR的替代方案如何使您的研究受益?
- DNA拷贝数结果比Ct方法准确3-4倍
- 减少了两个常见的用户错误来源,即标准品的量化和标准曲线的运行
- 使用现有的qPCR仪器加速您的工作流程
- 具有成本效益的数字PCR替代品
- 使用现有qPCR仪器进行绝对定量
利用您当前的实验室设备和方法,并为您提供比数字PCR更高的样品通量,qPCR CopyCount提供具有准确性的绝对定量,误差在5%以内。qPCR CopyCount无需昂贵的新设备,使每个qPCR反应都成为绝对反应。
qPCR CopyCount不需要定量标准,并为用户提供更多的样品孔而不是对照孔。
qPCR CopyCount要求您将每个循环的原始qPCR荧光数据上传为基于文本的CSV/TSV文件或Excel XLS/XLSX格式。目前无法支持直接二进制格式,例如SDS和EDS文件。目前,可以自动检验以下格式:
- Abbott m2000rt
- ABI 7500/7900
- Bio-Rad: CFX and iCycler
- Fluidigm
- Life Technologies: ViiA 7, Step One, OpenArray 12K Flex
- Qiagen: Rotor-Gene
- Roche: LC480 and Lightcycler Series
- StrataGene MX
- General Column-Layout CSV
- General Row-Layout CSV
qPCR curve fitting to determine absolute copy number in every well.
CopyCount (qpcr analysis software) turns every qPCR reaction into an absolute copy number determination.
What is CopyCount?
CopyCount analyzes the shape of qPCR fluorescence data to deduce the absolute number of copies of target DNA/RNA at cycle zero. There is no need for a standard curve, or sample dilution, or excessive replicates – instead every individual qPCR curve can be analyzed to give absolute copy number. This is useful for determining viral load, bacterial load, standardization of reference stocks, and other applications.
CopyCount saves you time and money by reducing the need for excessive replicates and standard curves and increases the real estate on your plate that is devoted to unknowns rather than standards.
Results from CopyCount are simple to interpret: CopyCount gives the number of molecules of DNA at cycle zero. No more mathematical gymnastics are needed to interpret complex Ct values.
CopyCount uses your existing qPCR instrumentation, rather than expensive Digital PCR instrumentation.
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