MVSP - 多变量分析软件
MVSP是多变量分析软件,用于执行各种排序和聚类分析。它为从生态学,地质学到社会学和市场研究等领域的数据分析提供了一种简便的方法。 MVSP正在数百个地点使用。使用MVSP进行分析的结果已经发表在期刊上,包括“科学”,“自然”,“生态学”,“石油地质学杂志”和“生物地理学杂志”。
数据导入和导出:Lotus 1-2-3和Symphony和Cornell生态计划
欧几里得,标准欧几里德,余弦(或标准欧几里得),曼哈顿度量,堪培拉度量,和弦,卡方,平均和平均字符差距等十九种不同的度和距离度量。 Pearson乘积矩相关和Spearman秩相关系数;度和高尔的系数; Sorensen、Jaccard的匹配,Yule和Nei的二进制系数。
数据导入和导出;Lotus 1-2-3和Symphony,Excel,Quattro,xBase,Paradox,SIMSTAT,纯文本和Cornell生态程序
规范对应分析(Canonical Correspondence Analysis)是在生态学研究中流行的一种技术,用于将环境变量纳入物种分布的排序。
MVSP is an inexpensive yet powerful multivariate analysis program for PC compatibles that performs a variety of ordination and cluster analyses. It provides an easy means of analyzing your data in fields ranging from ecology and geology to sociology and market research. MVSP is in use at hundreds of sites in over 50 countries. The results of analyses using MVSP have been published in numerous journals, including Science, Nature, Ecology, Journal of Petroleum Geology, and Journal of Biogeography.
Once your data have been analyzed you can plot results directly. Select the ordination axes you want to see and scattergrams will be drawn. Dendrograms of cluster analysis results are produced automatically. These graphs can then be printed on a variety of output devices.
Data matrix manipulation: data may be transposed, transformed (transformations available include logarithms to base 10, e, and 2, square root, and Aitchison’s logratio for percentage data), converted to percentages, proportions, standard scores, octave class scale, or range through format for stratigraphic studies, and rows and columns may be selected for deletion
Data import and export; Lotus 1-2-3 and Symphony and Cornell Ecology Programs
Principal Coordinates Analysis, performed with the following options: use any type of input similarity matrix, user defined minimum eigenvalues and accuracy level
Principal Components Analysis, with the following options: correlation or covariance matrix, centered or uncentered analysis, user defined minimum eigenvalues, including Kaiser’s and Jolliffe’s rules for average eigenvalues, user defined accuracy level.
Correspondence Analysis, with these options: Hill’s detrending by segments, choice of eigenanalysis or reciprocal averaging algorithm, weighting of rare or common taxa and scaling to percentages, user defined minimum eigenvalues and accuracy level.
Nineteen different similarity and distance measures, including Euclidean, squared Euclidean, standardized Euclidean, cosine theta (or normalized Euclidean), Manhattan metric, Canberra metric, chord, chi-square, average, and mean character difference distances; Pearson product moment correlation and Spearman rank order correlation coefficients; percent similarity and Gower’s general similarity coefficient; Sorensen’s, Jaccard’s, simple matching, Yule’s and Nei’s binary coefficients.
Cluster analysis, with the following options: seven strategies (UPGMA, WPGMA, median, centroid, nearest and farthest neighbor, and minimum variance), constrained clustering in which the input order is maintained (e.g. stratigraphic studies), randomized input order, integral dendrogram production. Separate utility program allows data matrices to be sorted in the order of the dendrograms; allows patterns to be seen in the data.
Diversity indices, with the following options: Simpson’s, Shannon’s, or Brillouin’s indices, choice of log base, evenness and number of species can also be calculated.
Other Features
MVSP offers various data manipulation features, such as transformation, merging of two or more data files, and conversion to formats such as range-through. Data can be imported from and exported to a variety of formats, including Lotus 1-2-3, Excel, Quattro, xBase, Paradox, Cornell Ecology Program format and various plain text files.
Individual data cases can be assigned to groups. The group names are then printed on output and dendrograms, and the groups are depicted on scatterplots as different symbols. A fully customizable toolbar is available. Also, the data editor and other windows have multiple level undo, letting you reverse any changes you have made in the current session.
Features of MVSP
Easy to use, with modern Windows interface(configurable toolbar, context menus, simple menu structure).
Numerous user-defined options that are automatically saved for future use.
Saveble desktop;you can save all the results, graphs and notes of the current analysis session to disk, then restore them later to resume where you left off
Unlimited number of variables and cases(restricted only by available Windows memory, including both RAM and hard disk swap file).
Data matrix manipulation:
Built in spreadsheet-like data editor; includes full multievel undo capabilities, row and column deletion and insertion
Transposition of matrix
Transformation of data, using logarithms to base 10,e, and 2, square root, Aitchison's logratio for percentage data, and standardization.
Individual variables may be selected for transformation
Conversion to range through format for stratigraphic studies
Merging of several data files into one
Data import and export; Lotus 1-2-3 and Symphony, Excel, Quattro, xBase, Paradox, SIMSTAT, plain text and Cornell Ecology Programs.
Import process eased by the use of the Import Preview dialog;lets you preview the imported data and change options to ensure successful results
Easy selection of variables and cases to include in analysis; no need to modify original data
Principal Components Analysis, with the following options:correlation or covariance matrix, centred or uncentred analysis, user defined number of axes to extract, including Kaiser's and Jolliffe's rules for average eigenvalues, user defined number of axes to extract and accuracy level.
Correspondence Analysis, with these options:Hill's detrending by segments, choice of cyclic Jacbi or reciprocal averaging algorithm, weighting of rare of common taxa and scaling to percentages, user defined number of axes to extract and accuracy level, choice of alternative scalings for representing cases vs. variables.
Canonical Corespondence Analysis, a technique highly popular in ecological studies for incorporating environmental variables into an ordination of species distribuyions.
Twenty three different similarity and distance measures, including Euclidean, squared Euclidean, standardized Euclidean, cosine theta(or normalized Euclidean), Manhattan metric, Canberra metric, Bray Curtis, chord, aquared chord, chi-square and mean character difference distances; Pearson product moment correlation and Spearman rank order correlation coefficients; Percent similarity, modified, Morisita's similarity and Gower's general similarity coeffcient; Srensen's, Jaccard's simple matching, Yule's Nei's and Baroni-Urbani-Buser's binary coefficients.
Cluster analysis, with the following options: seven strategies(UPGMA, WPGMA,median, centroid mearest and fathest neighbour, and minimum variance), constrained clustering in which the input order is maintained(e.g. stratigraphic studies), randomized input order, integral dendrogram production. Dual clustering of both variables and cases with a sorted data matrix being produced; allows patterns to be seen in the data.
Diversity incices, with the following options:Simpson's Shannon's or Brillouin;s indices, choice of log base, evenness and number of species also calculated.
Scatterplots(2-d and 3-d) of variables in raw data
Box and whisker plots of raw data
Scatterplots(2-d and 3-d) of PCA, PCO and CA/CCA results
Joint plots(scatterplot of cases with variables plotted as vectors) of PCA results
CCA biplots, with environmental variables ad vectors or, for nominal variables, as centroids
Scree plots of eigenvalues from PCA, PCO and CA/CCA results
Dendrograms of clustering results (both graphic and text-based)
Points on scatterplot can be identified by clicking on point. Also can have labels applied to all points
Zoom in on graphs to views specific areas more closely
Fully customizable: can modify, titles, coloues, background style, axis scalling and placement, type and colour of scatterplot symbol. All settings saved for future use
Save graphs as BMP or WMF files, or copy to windows clipboard for transfer to other programs.
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