AquiferTest Pro 是一款用于对抽水试验和段塞试验数据进行图形化分析和报告的软件,它快捷易用,并且拥有计算各类含水层的功能,承压含水层、非承压含水层、渗漏含水层、裂隙含水层。 此外,还可以分析井间干扰的影响,并考虑:
● 充放电和屏障边界条件
● 井筒储存
● 部分穿透泵注和观察井
● 多口抽油井
● 可变泵送速率
● 水平井
AquiferTest Pro可以作为预测分析工具,根据估计的透射率和储能性值计算任意给定点的水位/水位下降。这个新功能允许您抽油井的位置,的计划下一次抽油机测试。
AquiferTest Pro 4.1 在抽水试验分析技术上是飞跃,它了微分分析、趋势校正和数据等值线化等新工具,因而分析抽水试验数据的功能帮您打造分析报告。
AquiferTest: the most popular software package for pumping test and slug test snalysis and reporting is now even better!
AquiferTest Pro is a quick and easy-to-use software program, specifically designed for graphical analysis and reporting of pumping test and slug test data. AquiferTest Pro offers all the features and tools you need, in one program, to calculate the hydraulic properties of your aquifer.
AquiferTest is designed by hydrogeologists for hydrogeologists giving you all the tools you need to efficiently manage hydraulic testing results and provide a selection of the most commonly used solution methods for data analysis - all in the familiar and easy-to-use Microsoft Windows environment.
AquiferTest has the following key features and enhancements:
. Runs as a native Windows 32-bit application
. Easy-to-use, intuitive interface
. Solution methods for unconfined, confined, leaky confined and fractured rock aquifers
. Derivative drawdown plots
. Professional style report templates
. Easily create and compare multiple analysis methods for the same data set
. Step test/well loss methods
. Single well solutions
. Universal Data Logger Import utility (supports a wide variety of column delimiters and file layouts).
. Support for Level Loggers and Diver Dataloggers
. Import well locations and geometry from an ASCII file
. Import water level data from text or Excel format
. Windows clipboard support for cutting and pasting of data into grids, and output graphics directly into your project report
. Site map support for .dxf files and bitmap (.bmp) images
. Contouring of drawdown data
. Dockable, customizable tool bar and navigation panels
. Numerous short-cut keys to speed program navigation
AquiferTest provides a flexible, user-friendly environment that will allow you to become more efficient in your aquifer testing projects. Data can be directly entered in AquiferTest via the keyboard, imported from a Microsoft Excel workbook file, or imported from any data logger file (in ASCII format). Test data can also be inserted.
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